261: The Creeps

It’s a sad fact of life that if you are a human on the the internet, some weirdo will send you inappropriate messages at some point.

Over a year ago, I started a personal YouTube channel, and since it was monetized at the end of last year, I have had my own experiences with the weirdos of the internet. I’ve had three so far. Two sent private emails and were basically guys with fetishes who wanted to have some kind of one way online relationship with me.

The other is a creep who only messages via my Ko-fi account. He donated once and seems to think that his £5 means he can now send me messages asking if I wanted to go on holiday with him, would I sleep with someone for £1000 and then offering me his phone number. He deletes the messages after he sends them, but unfortunately for him, or perhaps he knows it, Ko-fi also sends the message to my email, so I have them and I have locked them away in case they are ever needed for reference.

I haven’t confronted him and not responding seems to have silenced him. I always feel that no response is the best response, since it gives them nothing to work with.

Perhaps not surprisingly, he is not a catch. He would have to pay me a lot more than £1000 to sleep with his ugly face. I’m insulted he thinks I am that cheap.

For a long time the larger demographic of my YouTube account was men over 55 but I’m thankful that recently that has changed and women are now making up the majority. There is no reason why men older than me should be more interested in my videos than anyone else, and I suppose it just comes with the territory. It’s a sad fact, and it shouldn’t be.

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